Desk Workflow Example: 7 String Guitar

Here is a typical practice/recording workflow using my 7 string guitar. The bass side is plugged into a JHS Color Box and the guitar side is plugged into an Axe FX2. The Axe FX2 is on loan so when that’s gone I use the SansAmp amp simulator rack mount and it pretty much gets the job done the same way. Both are going into a B stock Black Lion Auteur that goes into to a used Apogee Ensemble firewire.

This is a sub-par cover of “A Team” by Ed Sheeran, but I just didn’t care so much about getting a perfect take rather I wanted to demonstrate how life is easier to record using this comfortable workflow.

Creating My Affordable Workspace Desk

I made a short video to show an important part of my workspace: My desk.

I built it myself and I think it’s multi functional. It was a learning experience but I was able to make something for myself that probably would’ve cost significantly more.

Thanks to Brandon “Monk” Munoz for sharing what hew did to a complete stranger at no cost. Definitely check out Monkwood and his works.

Small House Songs Tracking Services

Studio-Mic Small House Songs Tracking Services
Small House Songs Tracking Room and Control.

If you are an artist or voice talent, Small House Songs provides a comfortable space to do any voice work or podcasts.

If you are in a band and you have exhausted most of your budget recording all your basic tracks in a studio and you need a small amount of overdub work or reamping, we have some reasonable rates.

Vocal work at Small House Songs

Contact Us Anytime for any questions or rates.


Small House Songs is a production studio located in Palatine, Illinois, just northwest of Chicago.

We are committed to providing a variety of high-quality audio and visual services, such as but not limited to:


Overdub/Off-Site Tracking



Audio Restoration

Songwriting (Original, Custom, or Covers)

Foley/Sound Design (Studio and On-Site)

We also provide online lessons for guitar and audio production. Please contact us for rates.